As we come into the final week of the 90 day challenge I
have been reflecting back on how far I have come throughout the challenge. Not
only the way my body looks or feels but my attitude and new found confidence.
90 days ago I was scared to walk into ACF and attend a WOD
without the security of boot-camp or my boot-camp friends. My first WOD – (after
doing 7 minutes of burpees) was very intimidating. I wasn’t sure what to do for
the warm up, I couldn’t front squat more than 45 lbs and the workout was
wall-balls and pull ups with a partner (thankfully I had Renee there with me).
Now three months have gone by and I walk into crossfit
knowing at least one person in every WOD. I am not scared or intimated by the
workouts. I know what to expect (most of the time) when I show up. I put
everything into the warm up, can front squat 75 lbs or heavier now, and just
completed 87 wall-balls with the 14lb ball.
Two weeks ago I had my worst WOD week yet but this past week
was amazing! I was PRing at every workout!! My clean and jerk – which I struggled
to do 5 at 75lbs – I was able to split jerk 90lbs multiple times. Tuesday ACF
was closed due to the weather but it didn’t stop me from working out! I took
the idea from the Biggest Loser and did the deck of cards workout – hearts –
burpees (of course); diamonds – squats; clubs – hollow raises ups; spades – pushups.
It took me about 30 minutes to complete but it felt good once I completed it!
90 days ago I would have never completed a workout at home on my own!!!
Wednesday was my first ever Caleb WOD – yes I have been going to CrossFit for 4
months and had yet to try a class with Caleb! It was a partner WOD where we had
to row, lateral burpees over the bar and then power snatches. The week before I
couldn’t do any snatches and now I was pushing through 7! Caleb was great at
giving me pointers of setting me up so that I was doing the movement correctly!
Then Friday I came in to work on my jump rope skills with Dave, I had to get
past my school girl jumping and finally I was able to understand singles! So my
week needless to say was WAY better than the week before!
Now the intimidation of doing the 90 day workouts is gone, I
have a new energy about crushing my previous workouts and getting great
results. Although I don’t know where I will end once this is all over, I have
won so much since starting 90 days ago. My body feels and looks great – I have had
many people comment on how my face is slimmer and I look great!!
So to everyone in the challenge – good luck this week!!!!! We
have all worked so hard and win or lose we have already gained so much!!!