Monday, February 4, 2013

What I use to feel like . . . what healthy feels like!!

So I have been doing the Paleo diet now for a couple weeks and have been pretty good at not cheating. That was until this weekend! Since it was the superbowl I figured that I could take a day off. I was going to about 4 WOD’s a week and had lost 7 pounds since the 90 day challenge had started. I have been feeling great about my progress and impressed with what I could do. So I thought I desereved a cheat and what could possibly go wrong . . .

I am really enjoying being part of this new family at Albany Crossfit. Every workout I feel like I might die, not sure if my body can take another workout. But you know what . . . I wake up the next morning ready for the next one. Saturday I went to the WOD and was dreading the workout: I don’t think I have ever done 50 squats in a row, let alone with a weighted barbell!!! I scaled the weight and the reps and 28 minutes later I was done with the workout, I didn’t die!!!

Then came Sunday . . . My husband loves to go snowshoeing/hiking and has been bugging me forever to go out with him. He first asked me Saturday and that wasn’t going to happen so I promised I would go out with him Sunday. So off we went on our winter hike!!! It wasn’t too cold and I had just downloaded a new app for my phone to track our hike. He told me there was a small hill but it was a cliff to me!! We got halfway through and I thought I would show my CrossFitting off by stopping and doing some squats (THANKS GANNON)! I use to hate snowshoeing/hiking because I never could keep up, would get out of breath or get cold/tired. I was impressed that I could keep up, although my husband is a good foot taller and has larger strides!

As for the food . . . Sunday started with some pancakes and bacon. Now I really haven’t had any carbs intentionally and I have been a little cranky because of it! Sunday night we went over to our friend’s house for the superbowl. I had made a buffalo chicken wing dip . . . with cream cheese, blue cheese, cheddar cheese and I had Pita Chips to serve with it. When we got to our friends I had some of the dip but it was so addicting I just kept going back for more and more, and then it was all downhill. I was drinking diet soda, eating chips, cheese and crackers. I couldn’t stop! Finally my stomach was starting to bother me so I decided to stop snacking.

The whole ride home I was groggy and felt exhausted and it was already 11:30. I had barely drank enough water and had a lousy night sleep! I overslept this morning and was in a rush to get to work. I made it through the day but barely drank water and didn’t get a lot to eat. I went to the WOD at 4:00 and felt like death. As we were working on power cleans I was starting to put it together. I ate lousy yesterday, had a bad night sleep and didn’t get enough water in me . . . this is what I use to feel like all the time!! I don’t think I ever want to feel like that again and I guess everything they told us was true!!!

So needless to say I will no longer cheat that way again!!! I am going to Boston this weekend for a beer festival but will be a little bit smarter about my cheats and how much!! Will also work on getting some WOD’s in at the hotel so that I am not too out of shape on Monday (although I am sure it will be a tough one). 

(Here are some pics of our winter hike) (BTW I love my warm winter hat) 

He claimed this was a small hill, I called it a cliff! 

Stopped to hit some squats! 

Even had some obstacles!

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